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Tag: media

Iranian broadcaster accused of thwarting government

  Ali Younesi, President Hassan Rohani’s adviser on ethnic and religious minority affairs, says the national television broadcaster Seda va Sim is acting as opposition media against the administration. According to the Shargh daily, Younesi said: “Seda va Sim is supposed to support the president while reflecting the public view regarding the government.” The report […]

Iran’s Intelligence Minister Says No Need For Media To Cover Economic Corruption

  Iranian Intelligence Minister Mahmud Alavi says there is “no need” for media to publish details of cases of economic corruption. Alavi, who was speaking on January 14 to Iran’s semiofficial Mehr news agency, added that the coverage of corruption cases by the media could hurt investment in the country. “There is no need to […]

Iran Accelerates Crackdown on Media and Dissidents Prior to Election

  During a June 1 political rally for presidential candidate Hassan Rohani in Tehran (pictured), security forces reportedly arrested several youth campaign workers after slogans were chanted supporting the detained 2009 election opposition candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi. Photo credit: Siamak Ebrahimi/Tasnim News (June 10, 2013) Iranian authorities should immediately stop censoring newspapers and news websites, […]

Even Iran’s Conservative Media Complain Of Filtering

  Pro-reform Iranians have long complained about Iran’s filtering of the Internet and crackdown on online journalists and bloggers. Reformist and independent media have been the main target of the establishment’s Internet-control efforts that aim at disrupting the free flow of information. Yet reports in recent months suggest that conservative media, including blogs and news […]

Iran warns broadcasters about coverage during campaign

  Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence has summoned broadcasting managers from across the country to inform them of the red lines they must not cross in the lead-up to the presidential election. Kaleme reports that the deputy minister of intelligence told the mangers that any form of “negative reflections” during this time will not be tolerated. […]

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