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Report on the Situation of Farshid Yadollahi, Jailed Dervish Lawyer in Evin’s Ordinary Ward



Farshid Yadollahi, human and Dervish rights lawyer who was sentenced by Branch 15 of the Islamic Revolution Court in July 2013 to seven years and six months imprisonment has been illegally moved to the ward 7, the public offenses section of evin prison since a month ago.
Until recently, Farshid Yadollahi along with another jailed Gonabadi Dervish, Reaza Entesari was serving his sentence in the Evin Prison. The two Dervishes were suddenly transferred from Evin Prison to Rajai-Shahr Prison, west of Tehran. The illegal transfer of them and the lack of medical treatment for imprisoned human rights lawyers, like him, along with other prisoners of conscience prompted a protest in early March. Despite official promises to return them to section 350 of Evin, Farshid Yadollahi and Reza Entesari are being separately held in the ward 7 and 8 which are for ordinary sentenced prisoners in Evin.
It is notable that, according to Iranian prison regulations, inmates must be separated by their crimes and political prisoners and prisoners of conscience including jailed Dervishes, should not be mixed with ordinary inmates.
A disproportionate number of inmates in a section, poor facilities, repeated telephone and Electric power disruption are reportedly the most important problems in these wards.
There have also been reports of the issue of growing insecurity, theft of property, making baseless cases for inmates, concealing drugs in these wards.
Farshid Yadollahi previously had said to his family that: “The motive behind our transfer is just with the aim of reducing the power of our intentions and demoralization against the political prisoners but by the grace of God we have got to be more consistent.”
Need to be mentioned that, last week on Monday, Mr. Mohammad Nourizad following his trip to the city of Shiraz has reportedly met with the mother of Farshid Yadollahi who her three family members are being held in prison and expressed his sympathy for her.

Also, imprisoned Dervish, Farshid Yadollahi sent a message to Mr. Mohammad Nourizad, praised his chivalrous action to meet with the families of prisoners of conscience and political prisoners with wishing all the people of this land freedom and peace, unity and cohesion between ethnic communities, groups, and beliefs in our country.