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Hunger Strikes & Protests After Evin Prison Raid



According to reports from inside Iran the assailants were from the Intelligence Units of the IRGC, the anti-riot Guards of Evin Prison and the regime’s intelligence and security agents (known as plain-clothed). Some of the assailants had put on glasses and had covered their faces. The prisoners were moved through a human tunnel and were beaten as they were moved through the tunnel.

The assailants were in particularly focused on prisoners who are charged with being affiliated to the PMOI/MEK and beat them up more severely, and wounded a number of them. According to reports, the security forces beat up elderly prisoners as well.

32 prisoners from ward 350 were transferred to solitary confinement in ward 240. Reports indicate that a large number of the prisoners were severely wounded and suffered bleeding and fractures. Among them Gholamreza Khossravi Savadjani, Assadollah Hadi, Javad Fouladvand Omid Behroozi, Esmaeil Barzegari and Assadollah Assadi are in critical condition. Assadollah Hadi who recently had open-heart surgery, is also in serious condition. The guards destroyed all prisoners’ belongings and took with them their handwritten papers.

Since the April 17 raid, other prisoners of ward 350 incuding jailed Dervish lawyer Amir Eslami have gone on hunger strike in protest and families of the prisoners who were moved to solitary confinement are now protesting outside the prison as well as in front of President Rouhani’s office.