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Iran’s Security Apparatus Refuses Responsibility For the Food Supply of Detained Opposition Leader



In an alarming move, the security agents in charge of the house arrest of opposition leader Mir Hossein Mouavi and his wife Zahra Rahnavard, have refused responsibility for providing the opposition leader and his wife with food for some time now, and instead made the family responsible for their food supply- this while Mousavi’s family members have no means to verify the quantity and quality of the food that is in actuality provided to their parents behind bars at Akhtar street.

Following 22 months of illegal house arrest, the security apparatus responsible for the detention of Mir Hossein Mousavi and Zahra Rahnavard, previously adamant about supplying the food to the opposition leader and his wife, refusing all attempts by the family to supply such food, now claim to no longer be responsible for their food supply, passing the responsibility on to the family members instead. This latest move coincides with the fact that Mousavi’s daughters currently have no contact with their parents and with the exception of a phone call last week and their last visit taking place on November 20th, 2012, all communication with their parents has been blocked. In the past three weeks the opposition leader’s daughters have been denied of even the tense, security filled, selective visitations they were afforded previously.

The security apparatus that had warned the family of such conditions if they continue to publish reports regarding the status of the opposition leader and his wife Zahra Rahnavard, have now demanded that the family provide all food on their own. When first expressed during one of the family visits, Mir Hossein Mousavi and Zahra Rahnavard viewed this latest demand by the security apparatus as a threat to their lives, warning the security agents that they are the ones directly responsible for their health and well being.

The family currently hands over the food to the security agents at the gate, who then supposedly deliver the food to their detained parents. Mousavi’s family is concerned about this strange behavior by the security apparatus, for the motivations and intentions behind such an act remain unclear, leaving the family worried about whether the perpetrators and those responsible for ordering the illegal detention and prolonged house arrest of the opposition leader and his wife intent to compromise his health and well-being while disclaiming all responsibility regarding this matter.

The lack of news regarding the detained opposition leader Mousavi and his wife, particularly given Mousavi’s recent heart condition and reports that Mrs. Rahnavard is now suffering from shaking in the hands and the face only further increases the concerns regarding their health and well-being.

Translated by banooyesabz

Source: Kaleme: