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An open letter from a number of the Dervishes of Nematollahi Gonabadi order to the supreme leader of I.R.I




Ayatollah Khamenei

The supreme leader of Islamic Republic of Iran

We, the Dervishes of Nematollahi Gonabadi order, informed you of the oppressions on us and the illegal actions of the authorities by sending you a letter less than a year ago.

We did not expect consoling, compensating the damages done to us, or having the lawbreakers and violators punished by writing that letter, but we did not also expect the increasing oppressions on us, every day by making new excuses to add to our pain. Different judicial, security, and governmental organizations have suffered Dervishes by misusing their power and law together to threaten the psychological and public safety of Dervishes. This has gone far to the extent that our master Dr. Haj Noor Ali Tabandeh (Majzoob Ali Shah) was accused of trumped-up charges and our religious brothers were arrested, accused, and sentenced collectively.



Ayatolla Khamenei,

In a democratic government, disregarding a person’s rights or an official’s infringement or even an event may lead to changing of an official’s position, collapse of the government, or a big social movement by people. That in our country nothing happens in reaction to a disaster, is not a sign of political stability by the peoples” support, but the existence of layers of dictatorship. What people of a country expect from their government is justice and enforcing the law meanwhile this enforcing is based on what philosophy or school of thought is a secondary consideration. According to what the religious masters have declared “A state survives along paganism, but collapses along injustice”. Based on this the disadvantages of a pagan leader is less harmful than of a tyrant so-called religious leader.                                                                                                    

Ayatolla Khamenei,

Although the Dervishism school admits that interfering with the current politics is below the school’s dignity, every Dervish individually can choose to take part in politics based on his own understanding. With regard to this fact, there has been no evidence of same behavior in political issues between Dervishes, but the diversity of actions and viewpoints. The biased ongoing behavior of some officials towards Gonabadi Dervishes, not only has obliged Dervishes to defend and react collectively in a harmonious political movement, but also has made this pacifist and freethinking Sufis the opposition. Since the enemies of Sufism and mysticism have targeted the beliefs, feelings, and identity of Dervishes, they have to react to defend their faith and social identity and this reaction will continue to death. It is clear that despite what the enemies of Dervishism state, there will be no blame on Dervishes in this challenge and the officials at the judicial and security forces are going to be blamed for imposing this condition on Dervishes.

Respected Leader,

Informed or uninformed of the conditions of Dervishes, it is not going to lessen of what responsibilities you have of the people and country according to the Constitution. To avoid crisis we the Dervishes have played the fools, but till when? Till when can we keep quiet and observe the oppression of oppressors? Isn’t it the time for you to think and present a way to solve the problem to reject later accusation of your role in the interference? Isn’t it the time for you as a religious leader and a supreme decision maker of the country to order the security forces to free all Dervishes and all religious minorities and all freethinkers and all the people and learn the officials the meaning of justice and how to act according to law? Isn’t it the time for the authorities to think of working procedures for reviving the law and disregarded rights of the people with a fair and brave criticism of themselves without relying on imaginary statistics and meaningless slogans?

Viva the people who follow the directed way of Allah

Dervishes and follower of Nematollahi Gonabadi Order

8 May 2011