The Letter of Two Gonabadi Dervishes to Iran Bar Associations ICBAR






The Letter of two imprisoned Gonabadi Dervishes in support of their jailed lawyers, to Iran Bar Associations ICBAR.

Two Nematollahi Gonabadi dervishes, Saleh Moradi Sarvestani and Kasra Nouri, who have lunched a hunger strike in Adel Abad prison to protest against illegal procedure during the court hearing which neither defender lawyers were allowed to talk to their clients nor would the court permit the lawyers to attend for dependence; requested a prompt consideration into the case of imprisoned Dervish lawyers from Iran Bar Associations ICBAR.

According to Majzooban reporter, on 7th of Esfand (Lawyer Day) two jaild Dervishes from Shiraz’s Adel Abad prison, wrote a letter of request for prompt consideration to the head of ICBAR, “Mr. Goudarz Eftekhar Jahromi” in which they have reminded that their defender lawyers are unlawfully being held in solitary confinement in security Ward 209 of Evin prison.

In this letter it is mentioned that these lawyers had defended our rights and have protested against unlawful actions taken against the Constitution.This is the reason why they are being on trial.Their only penalty is that they are fully aware of the Constitution and action that are taking place against Islamic and human principles and a great penalty is that their have protected against these actions.

In this letter, they have notified that the defending these lawyers is the ICBAR’s responsibility also their dignity and honor must be defended in order to mention the dignity and independence of their Institute. The Iranian Central Bar Association should come to the aid of embattled lawyers subjected to harassment, unfounded criminal charges, or prison sentences for defending prisoners of conscience and advocating for human rights. Every profession has a guild to protect its members, when a film actor is detained, the Cinema Union will at least issue one or two statements objecting to the arrest; or when a reporter or a writer is arrested, their professional organization will object. But how is it that over the last years, when so many lawyers faced problems because of their professional activities, no organization has come to their defense? One of the main responsibilities of the association is to oversee the performance of lawyers and to protect them legally. But lawyers are the least protected professional group in Iran.

The Judiciary’s control over the Bar Association is also a violation of Iran’s legal obligation to respect freedom of association guaranteed by article 21 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

Unfortunately the Central Bar Association has been silent as the Judiciary throws their colleagues in prison for the simple act of advocating for human rights and defending their clients.

In this letter they have pointed to the responsibilities and duties of the Bar Association and also referred to the Iranian great men, such as: Dr. Mohammad Mosaddeq, Dr. Naser Katouziyan, Hajj Dr. Noor Ali Tabandeh(MajzoobAli Shah). Dr. Sadr Hajj Seyd Javadi and all imprisoned lawyers who are in jail and their law licenses have been revoked just because they had defended the rights and have protested against unlawful actions taken against the Constitution. The jailed lawyers such as Farshid Yadollahi, Mostafa Daneshjou, Amir Eslami, Omid Behroozi, Nasrin Sotoudeh, Mohammad Ali Dadkhah, Abdolfattah Soltani, Ghasem Shole saadi, Mohammad Seifzadeh and…that their hard efforts to defend the rights of the afflicted and oppressed across the country should be appreciated by all of us.