Tag: Judge Salavati

More than 23 Years of Imprisonment for 6 Protesters to the Raid in Ward 350

  By the verdict of judge Salavati, the head of branch number 15 of the revolutionary court, 6 protesters who gathered in front of the presidential office during April 2014, to show their remonstration to beating the prisoners of ward 350 of Evin prison, known as Black Thursday, have been sentenced to a total of […]

Half of the Sentences of Jailed Gonabadi Dervishes on Probation

  One of the lawyers of seven rights activists of Dervishes jailed in wards 4, 7 and 8, said that “almost half of the length of sentences of these individuals has been changed on probation (the suspended prison sentence)”.According to the issued verdict by Branch 54 of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran, which has recently […]

Hamid-Reza Moradi Admitted to Hospital

  Hamid-Reza Moradi Sarvestani, imprisoned Gonabadi Dervish and human rights activists, who recently his treatment had been stopped suddenly and transferred back to prison without medical discharge, was readmitted to hospital in order to follow up the condition of illness.According to Majzooban Noor, Hamid-Reza Moradi Sarvenstani who suffers from heart diseases as well as severe […]

Hamid-Reza Moradi and Afshin Karampour Started Hunger Strike in Support of Farshid Yadollahi

  On the fourth day of hunger strike by imprisoned Gonabadi Dervish lawyer, Farshid Yadollahi, two other jailed Dervishes, Hamid-Reza Moradi and Afshin Karampour have also declared a hunger strike in solidarity with him.Accordig to Majzooban Noor, following the intensification of restrictions on jailed Dervishes, on Sunday 9th of Shahrivar 1393 (August , 31 2014) […]

Jailed Dervishes Send Complaint Extradition Appeal to the Court of Crimes of Government Staff

   The Seven lawyers and advocates of rights of dervishes have submitted their complaint extradition appeal to the branch ten of the court of crimes of governmental employees.Prior to that, these seven Dervishes two times had protested about the illegal acts and violations of judge Salavati in the procedure of the case. But the first […]

Disclosure a Document, Judge Salavati to Circumvent the Law

  The following document reveals one of the apparent violations of Judge Salavati concerning the case of the jailed Dervish lawyers while the mentioned Revolutionary Court judge has been recently acquitted by the judicial authorities of his violations.After being acquitted by the court, afterward, Majzooban Noor Website decided to disclose the following document revealing one […]

Court of Judicial Discipline Acquits Judge Salavati

  Following lodging a letter of complaint by imprisoned Gonabadi Dervishes against judge Salavati to the Court of Judicial Discipline in 1391 (2012), after several months of a delay in grievance investigation, the court officials found no violations in the case of Judge Salavati and ruled that he is acquitted.According to Majzooban Noor, a writ […]

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