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Father of Prisoner, Ahmad Ronaghi Maleki summoned to court



Seyed Ahmad Ronaghi, father of jailed activist Hossein Ronaghi Maleki was summoned today to present himself at court in Tabriz.

According to news provided to CHRR, per the summons order Seyed Ahmad Ronaghi must present himself in 3 days at Branch 8 of the Tabriz court presided by the Deputy Prosecutor, and answer questions relating to the court files stemming from his volunteer activities when he went to the aid of victims in the earthquake stricken area of Azerbaijan.

Ahmad Ronaghi Maleki was among a group of citizen volunteers who were detained at Sarand relief camp in Azerbaijan on August 22, 2012 as they were administering help to the earthquake victims in the area. Hossein Ronaghi Maleki who was on prison furlough at the time and his brother Hasan Ronaghi Maleki were among the detained group. Branch 1 of the Tabriz Revolutionary court presided by Judge Hamlbar later handed prison sentences for the volunteers on the charge of “assembly and collusion with the intent to harm national security.”

Hossein Ronaghi Maleki was handed a 2.5 year prison sentence which raised his total term to 17.5 years. He is now spending his prison sentence behind bars in Evin prison despite being very sick and in need of immediate medical attention.

Hossein Rongahi Maleki’s father was previously summoned in January 2013 and charged with “insulting and defaming the judiciary of East Azerbaijan Province.” Seyed Ahmad Ronaghi Maleki who has never engaged in any political activities donated personal money to the earthquake victims and now must face charges brought against him for helping his countrymen.
(Committee of Human Rights Reporters)