Letter by Hossein Ronaghi’s father to Ayatollah Khamenei



In a letter to the leadership, the father of Hossein Ronaghi expressed his concern regarding the attack in Ward 350 at Evin prison and said the lives of political prisoners including that of his son are in danger.

According to the letter provided to Kaleme, Ronaghi’s father requested that the Supreme Leader follow-up and prosecute the perpetrators of the vicious prison beatings because the judiciary is under his control.

In the last 2 days many families of political prisoners have expressed their grave concern for the health and lives of their loved ones beaten in prison.

Following is the letter as provided to Kaleme:

Honorable Ayatollah Khamenei,

Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran,

With greetings,

With respect I share with the leader of the Islamic Revolution that per recent reports on April 17th, plainclothes officials and Evin prison guards brutally attacked prisoners and many detainees have been severely wounded.

The evidence suggests that the lives of political prisoners including that of my son are in danger. During the past years political prisoners and their families have been abused and mistreated; if this type of inhumane and illegal behavior is tolerated in this country, then none of the citizens are safe.

With consideration to the fact that the judiciary is under your control, I respectfully ask that you order a swift investigation into this incident, announce the perpetrators and bring them to justice.

With respect

Seyed Ahmad Ronaghi Maleki

Father of political prisoner Hossein Ronaghi

By lalehsr