Weekly report on Human Right Violation in Iran (19/05/2013)


The Sentences: Execution Flogging, amputation, imprisonment and custody
1. On Thursday the 9th of March Jahan-bakhsh Soltan-zadeh and Behnam Bagheri, two Civil Rights Activists were arrested by security agents in Maku.
2. On Saturday the 11th of May Mojtaba Maleki, the prosecutor of Public and Revolutionary Court of Kermanshah announced the execution by hanging of a man who was charged with rape.
3. Following ever-increasing security and confrontation with political activists in different cities, on Monday the 13th May Jawad Abu Ali and Mohammad Dana-ee, two political and Civil Rights Activists were arrested in the city of Behbehan.
4. Masoud Shams Nejhad, a senior court attorney and a lecturer at Azad and Payam-Noor Universities in Orumieh, on Thursday the 9th May was arrested and interrogated by the security agents and transferred to the central prison of Orumieh.
5 .On Monday the 13th of May, Abdollah Sadooghi, a civil rights activist from the city of Tabriz, was arrested at his house by the security forces.
6. On Tuesday the 14th of May, Dr Ghasem Shole-Sa’di, the eleventh presidential election candidate, was summoned to the Intelligence Ministry. Previously Shole-Sa’di, a political activist, has been accused of “insulting the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran” by publishing a famous letter in 2001, as a result of which he was sentenced to jail for a period of time by the revolutionary court due to “propaganda”.
7. On Thursday the 9th of May, Babak Roghani made an appearance in branch 1 of the Namin city court and was charged with the following: acting against national security, propaganda, associations with anti Iranian government groups, collaborating with aggressor governments and the consumption of alcohol.
‪8. On Wednesday 15th of May, three prisoners, namely, Hamid Sahriyari from section 1, Majid Shir-Khanloo from section 2, and Nasiri from section 6, who were charged with murder, were executed in the Rajaee Shahr prison of Karaj.
‪9. On Wednesday 8th of May, Ilghar Mozen-Zadeh, an Azerbaijani poet and novelist, was arrested at his house by the security forces in the city of Meshkin-Shahr.
‪10. On Wednesday the 15th of May, the death sentence of a prisoner, M.T, who was charged with murder, was carried out in the city of Noushahr, in the presence of the public prosecutor, the city police commander, and the head of the prison and the forensic representative of the city of Noushahr. The parents of the victim were also present.
‪11. On Monday the 15th of May, seven prisoners charged with possession, transporting and selling of drugs, were executed by hanging, in the central prison of Rasht.

University and Academics
‪1.Recently, a number of students have been suspended from the University of Semnan, some of whom had only two terms left until the end of their studies. As the presidential election approaches, a new round of pressure on students has begun.
‪2.Mohammed Bagher Ghalibaaf, the mayor of Tehran and a candidate for the upcoming presidential election, has made a clear confession about his suppression of students on the 9th of July 1999. Ghalibaaf emphasized that orders to “attack and shoot” students on the campus were proposed by him. He then stated that: “in 1999, following the event of Kooye Daneshgah, I hit people with a stick while riding my 1000cc motorbike”

Workers and vulnerable communities
‪1.Mohammad Bagheri, a board member of the workers trade union has talked about a gathering of construction workers in the Seyed oshohada mosque on Shariati Avenue in TehranPars area which took place on the 10th of May. According to this labor activist, these workers were protesting against the negligence of government towards their demands.
‪2.On 11th of May, more than one hundred and fifty construction workers from the “Khan Gol Contractors” which is related to the Zagros steel melting company, in representation of the 273 workers of this company, protested against the governments failure to pay their wages for the last three months by gathering in front of the Qorveh governmental building.
‪3.On Saturday 11th May, Sanandaj City taxi driver’s went on strike by turning off their cars from the beginning of Nabovvat Avenue to Cyrusand crossway, and staged a protest in front of the taxi station
‪4.On Monday 13th May, 150 bus drivers from the Tehran bus company, along with their families, gathered in front of Tehran Municipality in order to protest against the increase of rent to 25 thousand Tomans per square meter.
5. Ahmad Reza Naghib zadeh, a member of the city council of Shiraz, announced the closure of the cars safety belt company “Akhshan Shiraz” despite the employment of 500 workers, and said the lockout would be a disaster for the Fars Country.

Religious and ethnic diversity’s rights of in Iran
1. On Tuesday the 7th of May, The Intelligence officers of Gorgan city raided to the house of Parisa Shahidi (Kashani) a Baha’i citizen of Gorgan city. The officers arrested and transferred Parisa to an unknown location after searching her house.
2. In recent days, all the health and beauty products of a beauty shop were confiscated; the beauty shop belongs to Hooshmand Sanayi who is a Baha’i resident of the city of Bojnourd.
3. Rahim (Shahram) Elyasi, A Kurdish political prisoner in Rajai Shahr prison of Karaj was physically abused for the second time by the prisoners from hall number 10 in Rajai Shahr prison.
4. On Monday the 13th of May, a hearing session of 22 Gonabadi Dervishes from Kavar city was held by the judge “Kashkooli” in order to investigate their cases.
5. Sirvan Hossein-Panahi and Shirzad Hossein-panahi, two Kurdish civil activists, charged with propaganda against the Islamic Republic of Iran at the Revolutionary Court of Sanandaj, were both sentenced to six month imprisonment.
6. On Monday the 6th of May, Seyyed Ebrahim Bahrami, a Gonabadi dervish from the city of Kavar, was arrested at his workplace by the security forces and undercover agents, without any judicial order.
7. It has been reported that as a result of the shootings to the cars of Kurdish traders by the Military Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran that took place around the route of Saveh to Tehran, one Kurdish Trader lost his life, and one was critically injured. Also, the brother of the victim was released on bail for 1 Billion and 200 million Tomans soon after he was arrested.

‪Media and cyber space
1. Recent news indicates that more than 60 reporters and technical staff of ‘citizen journalists’, have gone on hunger strike, as a result of not being paid two months wages due to the dishonesty of the (poor) management
‪2. On Monday the 13th of May, three newspapers, namely Bahar (spring), Shargh (west) and Ghanoon (law), who are close to (affiliated with) the reformists, were issued a warning by the Press Supervisory Board
3. Following the recent arrest and prison sentence of three members of the “House of Literature” organisation were two further members were also imprisoned. Mohsen Ghashghaee-Zadeh and Mohammad-Reza Ahmadi, charged with assembly and collusion were imprisoned for two years, and three years respectively.

Other human right violation
1. Ali-Asghar Khorram-Rooee, chief of public safety and security of the city of Hamadan has stated; “in a move to increase security, dealing with wearing improper hejab in the city has increased by 60% compared with other days before.
2. Heidar Asia-ee, a public prosecutor of the city of Semnan, in the committee of court for protection of Social Justice, announced the implementation of 32 projects of verbal notification in dealing with wearing improper hijab for the current year.
3. Furthermore, following growing number of death due to accidents at work in the country, the work accidental death in the last year has increased by 1.19 %. Compared to the previous year.
4. According to the Hossein Tamini, a member of the parliamentary health committee, the health departments have not fully over seeing to the blood being used for patients, indicating that”majority of blood bags are non-standards”, As a result a large number of Thalassemia and hemophilia patients are suffering with serious physical illnesses.
5. According to the news received on Saturday the 6th of May, the father of Mustafa Nili a political prisoner at Rajaee Prison passed away, and despite this, the prison authorities refused to send him off to attend his father’s funeral.
6. Mohammad –Reza Lotfi an Iranian musician, who had a concert in the city of Behbahan, was cancelled, by the order of department of culture and Islamic guidance of the city. Few days prior to this, his other concert was also cancelled in the city of Andishmeshk.
7. Following the recent protests, the pressure on the political prisoners in the section 350 of Evin prison has been increased.
8. The sentence of Masoud Kordpur and Khosrou Kordpur was extended another two months. Khosro kordpur ended his hunger strike following requests from his family and friends.
9. Ayatollah Asadollah Imani representative of velayat-e Faqih (Guardianship of Religious Masters and Religion, i.e. Ayatollah Khamenee) in Fars province has stated that: following the Islamic rules and regulation in city planning is a must. He called number of people in the city as “Tramp living in parks”.
10. According to reports received, the situations of the prisoners in the Salmas prison are extremely seriouse. Excessive usage of the capacity of the prison, have put the inmates in harsh conditions and in an environment lacking from any basic human facilities, to a point that some prisoners sleep by the entrance of toilets. Prisoners are deprived of treatment of their illnesses and all acute diseases have been treated by just giving painkillers.
11. Hussein Mir-bahari, a member of Street Children Rights Organisation, stated: “due to severe economical situation, a great number of children have become informal market work force”.
12. Afghan authorities announced that the Iranian border forces opened fire on a group of 300 Afghan illegal immigrants who were trying to cross the border at night, killing at least 10 Afghans.
13. On Thursday 14th of May Amirreza (Pyman) Arefi a political prisoner who was deported to Masjed Soleiman, despite the doctors’ recommendation for him to be hopitalized for operation he was operated in the Masjid Solayman infirmary of the prison.