Kasra Nouri Sentenced to Four Years and Four Months in Prison



Kasra Nouri, Gonabadi Dervish and one of the collaborators of Majzooban Noor website, was sentenced to four years and four months in prison.
According to Majzooban Noor, Kasra Nouri was sentenced last week at Branch 3 of Shiraz’s Revolutionary Court presided over by Judge Rashidi to four years and four months imprisonment on charges of propaganda against the regime, acting against national security, insulting the leadership and belonging to a deviant group “Majzooban Noor”.
In the verdict which issued by the Revolutionary Court for Kasra Nouri, about the reason of his charge has been mentioned that this Dervish right activist’s actions would result “promoting innovation in doctrine matters“, “insecurity in society and promoting superstitions” so, this judgment is in order to prevent irreparable consequences to not only the society, but also the youth.
The attorney of this prisoners of conscience, Fariborz Yadollahi, objected against the decision and asked an appellate court, therefore his case was taken to the court of appeal.
It should be noted that, last year, Branch 106 of Shiraz Penal Court (Shaheed Atlasi), presided over by Judge “Ashouri”, had also sentenced Kasra Nouri to one suspended jail-term on charges of “Spreading lies and disturbing public opinion”.
A part of judgment of the court of first instance in Kasra Nouri’s case which his attorney has informed about that last week, has been given to Majzooban Noor website:
“About the charges against Mr. Kasra Nouri, father’s name: Masoud, 22, a native and resident of Shiraz, based upon propaganda against the Islamic Republic, the court by carefully perusing the dossier and according to officer’s reports and performed investigation by Shiraz’s Islamic Revolution Court, has issued this indictment. As they formed a team to achieve their goals, including the establishment of a website called “Majzooban Noor” which is managed as organized group therefore, in this regard that, Gonabadi Dervishes continue to propaganda against the Islamic Republic through activities in virtual media and the mentioned accused is one of the main operators and has been involved in the offense, and because innovations in religious matters and promoting a particular profession will lead to harm state security and to promoting superstition and also innovation especially among young people which have irreparable consequences to society, so according to the above allegations in the indictment filed against him, he sentenced to 6 months imprisonment for insulting the Supreme Leader, for propaganda against the Islamic Republic, was sentenced to one year of imprisonment and also sentenced to thirty-four months imprisonment for the membership of groups that opposed to the Islamic Republic of Iran by establishing the sites which are active in this issue.”

It is important to say that, so far Gonabadi dervish, Kasra Nouri, has been arrested by security forces twice. Once he arrested on the morning of Wednesday 21 Dey ( Jan 11 , 2012 ) and after being held in Shiraz Intelligence Office’s Detention Center and Adel Abad prison for 46 days, was released on bail of 50 million. On 24th Esfand, 1390 ( Mar 14 , 2012 ) he was again arrested on the charge of interviews with foreign media Radio Farda. And so far he has spent 15 months in custody.
It is remarkable that, Kasra Nouri along with another Gonabadi Dervish, Saleh Moradi had been protesting with a hunger strike against the illegal transfer of their Dervish lawyers to solitary confinement in Evin prison for 90 days and after transfer of seven Dervish lawyers to general ward 350, they ended their prolong-term hunger strike.