Tag: majzooban noor website

Kasra Nouri’s Mother Interviews with International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran

  Kasra Nouri’s mother, the jailed Gonabadi dervish, said to the International Campaign for Human Rights, that Kasra on Wednesday 7 Oct. 2015 by using “beat” was transferred to the Evin prison without any warrant or judicial notice. She also went on; “His lawyers and I yesterday went to the prosecutor’s office as well as […]

We are told “Article 134 of New Islamic Penal Code is not Applicable to my Son” Mother of Kasra Nouri said

  Mother of  Kasra Nouri, prisoner of conscience that after passing more than four years in prison still his demand for the application of Article 134 of the new Penal Code has not been granted said to the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran; “we applied this new article for Kasra at the early […]

“Majzooban Noor Website Releases a Statement” In Protest to Current Behaviors toward Salehedin Moradi, a Right Activist of Gonabadi Dervishes

HOU121 At the time of parade and domination of ignorance, rigor and captivity of freedom and justice, when the ugly demon, violence and extremism threaten the fate and community life, anyway but some day will come and the spider webs of this evil will be unleashed and destroyed via the insight of conscience and awareness […]

Majzooban Noor website’s New Year statement on the occasion of the beginning of 1394

 Hou 121 We would like to congratulate all Iranians, followers of different faiths, especially the Ne’matollahi Gonaabadi Dervishes, and our leader Dr. Noor Ali Tabandeh (Majzoob Ali Shah) on the ancient Eid of Norooz, and we pray to God for everyone’s long-standing prosperity and glorious days. Last year, in a prolonged winter of lack of […]

Without Global Outcry, Religious Crackdowns in Iran Will Continue

  Arash Emadi, Farhad Noori and Daniel Owji call for justice for Iran’s persecuted religious groups ahead of the December UN General Assembly vote. Photo of Arash Emadi As members of three different Iranian religious traditions, we have personally experienced the Iranian government’s assault on religious freedom. We have been forced to leave our country and seek […]

Records of shame for the regime in Iran

HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS OF GONABADI DERVISHES IN IRAN JANUARY 2011 – 2014 Dervishes in Iran continue to face a range of human rights violations, including intimidation, harassment, attacks on their prayer centres, destruction of community cemeteries, arrest and torture. The Nematollahi Gonabadis consider themselves followers of Twelver Shia Islam, the official state religion in Iran. […]

October 2014 report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran (mentioning Gonabadi Dervishes)

  The report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ahmed Shaheed. Submitted in accordance with Human Rights Council resolution 25/24 to the 69th session of the UN General Assembly in October 2014. The Special Rapporteur submits the present report pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution. He […]

Majzooban Noor Website’s Congratulations on the Occasion of Eid Qadir

  Majzooban Noor Website, would congratulate this sacred and auspicious day to His Holiness, Haj Dr. Noor Ali Tabandeh, “Majzoob Ali Shah”, the Great Qutb of the Nematollahi Gonabadi Sufi Order, and also to all Gonabadi dervishes and Muslims worldwide. Here in the following you will observe the full message; HOU121 Qadir, is neither an […]

Fears for jailed journalists on hunger strike in Iranian jails

  A press freedom organisation has registered its concern about the well-being of a group of hunger-striking journalists in two Iranian jails. Five contributors to the Sufi news website Majzooban Noor – Reza Entesari, Hamidreza Moradi, Mostafa Abdi, Kasra Nouri and Afshin Karampour – began refusing food on 31 August in protest at their prison conditions. […]

The Families of Jailed Gonabadi Dervishes Are not still Informed of Their Whereabouts

  After six days of transfer of two imprisoned Gonabadi Dervishes from hospital to prison, their families are not still informed of their whereabouts.According to Majzooban Noor, after six days of transfer of Messrs. Hamid-Reza Moradi Sarvestani and Mostafa Daneshjou from Shohada e Tajrish hospital to Evin prison, still their families are unaware of their […]

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