Tag: lawyers

Reaction of Political Prisoners to the Dervishes Verdicts: The Most Tragic Judicial Documents

  A number of Iranian political prisoners have issued a statement protesting the unjust verdict against Gonabadi Dervishes and calling for their immediate release who after unfair trial and unfounded accusations were sentenced to almost 60 years of imprisonment.Iranian political prisoners called to abandon charges and quash the verdicts which are all against the constitution […]

Collective Prison Sentence of Over 56 Years for Gonabadi Dervish Lawyers

  Branch 15 of Tehran Revolutionary Court issued verdicts against 7 Gonabadi Dervish lawyers and managers of Majzooban Noor website (Nematollahi Gonabadi News Website which focuses on disseminating news about Dervishes). They have been collectively sentenced to 56 years in prison.According to Majzooban Noor, seven Gonabadi Dervish lawyers and managers of Majzooban Noor website who […]

Lawyers Say Bill on Legal Profession Destroys Lawyer Independence

  From right to left, lawyers Mahmoud Alizadeh Tabatabaee, Farideh Gheirat, and Saleh NikbakhtIn separate interviews, three prominent Iranian lawyers shared their views about the “General Bill on the Legal Profession” stating that the bill’s approval will work against the independence of Iranian lawyers, and expressing hope that the new Iranian president would prevent its […]

Letter from the Paris Bar association in support of Iranian lawyers

  As part of a campaign to support Iran’s independent legal profession in calling for the cancellation of the “Bill of Formal Attorneyship”, a bill that in essence transfers total supervisory control over lawyers to a quasi-judicial body, the Paris Bar association has sent a letter to Iranian authorities expressing its concerns over the proposed Bill. […]

Need a Gathering to Examine the Independence of Lawyers

    On April 29th Mr. Mandanipour, the head of Iran’s bar associations announced, “Bar associations have the duty of defending the national interest and the highest expediencies of the country in addition to defending the rights of individuals. In view of the knowledge that members of bar associations have regarding legal issues at the […]

Iran Continues Crackdown on Sufis

  Iran continues to arrest Sufi mystics. The victims of state suppression represent the Gonabadi-Nimatullahi order, the main body of traditional metaphysical Muslims in the country. On April 20, Abdolghafour Ghalandari Nejad, a webmaster for the Gonabadi-Nimatullahi site Majzooban Noor (The Alluring Light), was detained in the south Iranian port city of Bandar Abbas. Situated […]

Dervishes Triumphantly Broke Their Fast /Transfer of Jailed Dervish Lawyers to Ward 350 of Evin

  The imprisoned Dervish lawyers after three months, were transferred back to Evin Prison’s General Ward 350 and their families could visit them this morning.According to Majzooban Noor, on the afternoon of Saturday 24 Farvardin 1392 (April 13, 2013), the seven imprisoned Dervish lawyers who were being held in solitary confinements for three months, transferred […]

The Situation of Imprisoned Gonabadi Dervishes’ Lawyers in Evin’s Ward 209

  Imprisoned Dervish Lawyers are still being held in ward 209 of Evin prison for the past three months.Due to the conditions of being in long-term solitary confinement, including prohibition of getting some fresh air and lake of medical treatment their physical health condition have deteriorated.According to Majzooban Noor, seven Gonabadi dervishes’s lawyers and Majzooban […]

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