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No News from Three Dervishes Sentenced to Exile



While four days have passed of the arrest of three Gonabadi Dervishes sentenced to exile at the entrance road led to Kavar, still no precise information has leaked from their current condition and status.

According to Majzooban Noor, although the local authorities over the past days proclaimed that the dispatch of the dervishes to their exile sites was carried out, after four days of their detention, no contact has been made by these dervishes from their exile sites since that time.
The way of their arrest and also the attempt of officials in not releasing any information demonstrate that the local authorities with the aim of prevention from any farewell and welcome ceremony for these dervishes, with stealth mood, held these people illegally in detention.
According to the unofficial reports these people spent this period in the prisons of Ministry of Intelligence.
It is pertinent to say that from these three dervishes, two of them named Kazem Dehghan and Hamid-Reza Arayesh have been sentenced to lifelong exile in Sistan and Baluchistan and Mohammadali Dehghan for seven years to Zabul.