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Exile of 3 Dervishes Executed “Judicial Officials Say”



In the wake of yesterday’s arrest of 4 dervishes of city Kavar, at noon the judicial officials announced the transfer of three of them to the exile sites.

Majzooban Noor News Website adds that, yesterday, in afternoon when the lawyers and some dervishes referred to the Revolutionary Court to be aware of the condition of the dervishes who had been arrested the previous day, the judicial officials told them that the arrested dervishes were sent to the sites of their exile. This is despite the fact that they made no contact to declare their status.
Kazem Dehghan, Mohammadali Dehghan, Hamid Arayesh and Zabihollah Kourdpour, the four dervishes, who were driving from Tehran to Kavar, while approaching the city, were arrested and Mr. Zabihollah Kourpour was freed later on.
The Revolutionary Court of Shiraz by attributing some charges such as waging/enmity against God (Moharebeh) to Kazem Dehghan, Hamid Arayesh and Mohammadali Dehghan sentenced them, respectively, to lifelong exile to Sistan and Baluchestan Province, Khozestan and seven years to the city of Zabul.