Imprisoned Political Prisoner Hossein Ronaghi Maleki In Deteriorating Health



Political Prisoner Hossein Ronaghi Maleki, now incarcerated in Evin Ward 350, is facing deteriorating health due to confiscation of his medication by prison officials.

Human rights activist Hossein Ronaghi Maleki reported back to Evin prison on Tuesday, May 21, 2013, following the denial of his medical furlough extension due to the upcoming presidential elections.

Due to negligence by prison officials and Evin’s medical clinic, Ronaghi has not yet been able to access his needed medication.

Upon returning to Evin, all of Ronaghi’s personal effects and medications, which must be taken daily, were confiscated, despite the fact that he is suffering from kidney disease and malfunction, inflammation of the prostate and bladder problems.

According to specialists and the medical examiner, the prison environment, with it’s lack of access to a specialized medical facility and treatment, and lack of proper nutrition, is not suitable for Ronaghi. But Tehran Prosecutor authorities have refused to extend his medical furlough.

Recalling Ronaghi and a number of other political prisoners back to prison was apparently done in order to create a more rigid security atmosphere ahead of the upcoming presidential election.

Ronaghi underwent surgery at Hasheminejad hospital a few weeks ago. After much efforts by his surgeons, the proper treatment and a non-prison environment, his condition was reported “fair”, with the functionality of his left kidney at 17% and the right kidney at 83%.

But now, with his return to prison and lack of access to adequate nutrition and medical treatment, it is feared his health will rapidly deteriorate.

By persianbanoo
Source: Kaleme