The Jailed Gonabadi Dervishes’s lawyers could meet with their families after 37 days of being held incommunicado.
According to Majzooban Noor, the detained lawyers of the Gonabadi dervishes who have been in solitary confinement of Ward 209 for more than 35 days had a short visit with their families this morning, on 3rd of Esfand 1391(Feb 21, 2013).
The meeting took place under tense security atmosphere which in only the father, mother and wife were allowed and lasted more than a few minutes.
Several officers attended alongside them and their conflicting responses showed that they have spent a hard time as they isolated in solitary confinement, interrogated and beaten.
The families have expressed grave concern regarding their health condition and tense security atmosphere during the visit.
Their families were finally allowed to visit with them after a large number of Gonabadi Dervishes had announced that on 3rd Esfand “Dervish Day” will gather in front of Evin Prison in support of jailed Dervish lawyers who are being held in Ward 209 of Evin prison, then, during the protest more than 300 Gonabadi Dervishes were arrested by security forces in front of Evin prison who were released after a few hours.
It must be reminded that, two Gonabadi Dervishes, Saleh Moradi and Kasra Nouri have lunched a hunger strike as a protest against the illegal transfer of seven Gonabadi dervishes’s lawyers and Majzooban Noor website managers to solitary confinement of Evin prison from 37 days ago and their health condition is reported dire.