Majzooban Noor’s Manager Interview With Radio Farda About Grievance of Dervish Attorneys against Judge Salavati








Seven of the detainees’ lawyers and Majzooban Noor’s managers, in a letter to disciplinary prosecutor court of Judges, called for an investigation on violation of law by judge Salavati and other juridical and security authorities who are related to their case.

Mrs. “Farin Amesi” in an interview with Farhad Nouri, one of the managers of Majzooban Noor website has asked about this complaint and the situation of dervishes who are held in ward 350 of Evin prison:

-Why have lawyers and dervish rights activists complained to disciplinary prosecutor court of Judges?

Farhad Nouri: At the time of arrest, security guards have been ordered to shoot illegaly and these dervishes were arrested with insult, intimidation and beating and this procedure was continued during interrogations. Also submitting the matter of investigation to the security agents of ministry of Intelligence who are the plaintiff and could not be considered as justice executor officers.

Judge Salavati has not allowed the defender lawyers to meet their clients and even not let the lawyers to study their file case.

The other issue is that, in the last hearing at Evin prison, which is known as the last defense of the dervishes, Judge Salavati posed new charges and

raised some empathic and Ideological questions.

Another important illegal action of Judge Salavati is unlawful interference in the medical treatment of jailed dervishes and also political prisoners. So that some jailed Gonabadi dervishes and administrators of Majzooban Noor website who had been admitted for treatment at hospital, according to a direct order by Judge Salavati were sent back to Evin prison all at once.

-Which dervishes have complained?

Farhad Nouri: 7 attorneys and managers of Majzooban Noor website who have been imprisoned for more than 16 months in Evin prison without trail.

Messrs. Hamid Reza Moradi, Afshin Karampour and Reza Entesari who are webmasters and human rights activists and Messrs. Mostafa Daneshjou, Farshid Yadollahi, Amir Eslami and Omid Behroozi who are Gonabadi dervish’s lawyers.

-Have the authorities responded to their letter so far?

Farhad Nouri: Up to now authorities have no response to this letter and we have not received any reply and we have to wait and see whether they will consider this grievance or not!

-How is the physical health condition of these jailed dervishes?

Farhad Nouri: Unfortunately, like other prisoners who are imprisoned in ward 350 of Evin prison, they are in bad health situation and since the last year that they have been under severe and inhumane pressure in prison where has unsanitary and bad conditions and due to inadequate prison’s food, their health has been deteriorated.

Evin prison clinic, would treat the patient prisoners as much as possible but some of them are suffering from a specific disease, for example, Mr. Daneshjou is suffering from severe respiratory disease and asthma and Mr. Hamid Reza Moradi have severe heart problems and must be under the treatment of a specialist but in recent months when they were hospitalized, according to a direct order by Judge Salavati were returned to Evin Prison in the middle of treatment.

-Do jailed dervishes have the right to visitation?

Farhad Nouri: Five of these jailed dervishes are residents of Shiraz and because of the long distance between Shiraz and Tehran the families are able to visit only once in two weeks on Mondays in a “cabin” (behind a glass screen). They have been also barred from face to face meeting.