Tag: political

10 Political Prisoners In Solitary Confinement Have Launched A Hunger Strike

  10 political prisoners incarcerated in solitary confinement in Evin Ward 240 have launched a hunger strike following the prison officials’ failure to fulfill their promise to return them to the General Ward 350. Incarcerated in solitary confinement and demanding to be returned to Ward 350, the following prisoners have launched an open ended hunger […]

Bagher Asadi, a High Ranking Diplomat, And Two Political Activists Arrested

  Bagher Asadi, a high-ranking Iranian diplomat was detained in Tehran in March as a part of the crackdown on dissidents in the weeks leading to the Iranian presidential elections, Reuters reported on Tuesday. Asadi, who had previously worked in the Iranian UN Mission in New York, was a director of the Istanbul-based D8 Group […]

10 Protesting Political Prisoners Have Been Kept In Solitary Confinement, Threats Made Against 35 Other Prisoners

  Despite a visit by the Deputy Judiciary Chief, the 10 political prisoners who were moved to solitary confinement in Evin Ward 240 on Sunday, are still incarcerated there, and the Deputy Warden of Evin prison has threatened that the other 35 prisoners protesting this illegal move will be confronted and punished. According to reports […]

Protest At Ward 350, Special Guards Units Sent To The Ward, 10 Prisoners Sent To Solitary Confinement

  After tension broke out at Ward 350 of Evin prison, special guards units were sent to the ward and 10 political prisoners were moved to Ward 240 solitary confinement on the direct order of Tehran Prosecutor General. Political prisoners Saeed Madani, Abdollah Momeni, Abolfazl Abedini Nasr, Siyamak Ghaderi, Amir Khosro Dalirsani, Mohamad Hassan Yousefpour […]

2013 Elections: Former MP Arrested for a Political Meeting That Never Happened

  Former Member of Parliament Hossein Loghmanian and four reformist activists from Hamadan Province were arrested while on their way to Tehran to meet former president Mohammad Khatami on March 16, 2013. These arrests may mark the first detentions of political figures in relation to the upcoming June 2013 presidential elections in Iran. Hamadan Intelligence […]

Political Prisoners Protest Cell Search with 72-hour Hunger Strike

  Political prisoners in Rajaee Shahr Prison in Karaj are currently undergoing a 72-hour hunger strike in protest of degrading treatment by Special Guard forces, a local source told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran. On April 17, Special Guard forces stormed the prison’s Ward 4, Hall 12, where political prisoners are kept, […]

Political prisoners put reformist agenda ahead of own freedom

  A group of Iranian political prisoners has written to former president Mohammad Khatami, urging him to run in the presidential election should the right conditions present themselves. The letter, dated April 17 and published on the Kaleme website, does not set out the release of political prisoners as a precondition. In fact, the political […]

Political Prisoner Ends Hunger Strike as Orumiyeh Intelligence Pressures Other Prisoners

  Political prisoner Adel Jalali ended his 11-day hunger strike on March 28 after prison officials at Orumiyeh Central Prison agreed to cooperate with him, a local source told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran. The source added that the Prison Intelligence Unit has been pressuring four other political prisoners at Orumiyeh, repeatedly […]

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