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Presence of Officers of Municipality & Police Forces to Enforce the Demolition of Nursing Homes of Gonabadi Dervishes in Shahriar

سالمندان دراویش 2


A few hours ago, (21 Khordad /11 June) a number of officers and forces of municipality and police with the intention of obliteration of the nursing home belonging to the Gonabadi Dervishes, presented in front of the building of this center which is under the construction at the moment.

Majzooban Noor goes on that their act so far has been faced with the resistance of the dervishes who are present at the location. It should be noted that this is done due to the threatening message from the governor of Shahriar (a county of Karaj city) on the need to abolish this place.

It is pertinent to mention that over the past few weeks, this location has several times seen and filmed by the plainclothes forces in the name and cover of officers of municipality.

This is the second charity and social service building of Gonabadi Dervishes which based on the unsubstantial and unrealistic pretexts goes under threat and attack.