Making a File Case Against Charity Organization of Dervishes in Tehran’s Security Court

مددکاری دراویش


The reports, indicates involvement of the Ministry of Information against “Reza Social Service Institute” and filling a case in Tehran’s Security Court.
According to Majzooban Noor, the reason for making a security case against Reza Social Service Institute has been announced as ” reports by Ministry of Information”.
Accordingly, the Ministry of Information reported that, Reza Social Service Institute take steps to support promotion and development of Sufism.
Reza Aid Institution which is associated to Gonabadi Dervishes in the National Day of Aid with the direct involvement of security forces has been locked down and sealed off. This charity and aid social service have been giving services over twenty years in various fields of social charity services, such as, education, health, employment, helping the aged and etc.
It is notable that, last month, the Ministry of Cooperatives, Labour, and Social Welfare in the eve of Mola Ali’s birthday, during Friday Prayers in Tehran, proclaimed that he will support whomever adds a brick on another brick because they contribute to society.