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Tag: Occasion

To Honor Hafiz: On the Occasion of October 12 as Hafiz Day

  Khwāja Shams-ud-Dīn Muhammad Hāfez-e Shīrāzī (Persian: خواجه شمس‌‌الدین محمد حافظ شیرازی‎‎), known by his pen name Hafez (حافظ Hāfiz; 1325/26–1389/90), was a Persian poet who “laud[ed] the joys of love and wine [but] also targeted religious hypocrisy”.His collected works are regarded as a pinnacle of Persian literature and are to be found in the […]

Republishing Information on the Occasion of The Seventh Anniversary of Destruction of Gonabadi Dervishes Worship-Place (Hosseiniyeh) in Qom

  The day of Ashura was the eighth anniversary of destruction of Gonabadi dervishes worship-place (Hosseiniyeh) in the city of Qom.An attack on a Gonabadi dervishes’ place of worship “Shariat Hosseiniye”, took place in Qom in February 2006. According to official reports 1,200 followers of the order were arrested during the incident and hundreds were […]

On the Occasion of Eid–e-Mabas: Prophet Muhammad Foretold in the Torah and Bible

  The coming of Prophet Muhammad had been foretold in the Torah. God had said to Moses: “I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and I will put My words in his mouth; and he shall speak to them all that I shall command him” Deuteronomy 18:18 Who […]

Remembering Hazrat Shah Nematollah Wali on the Occasion of his Birthday and Death

  Sayyid Nūruddīn Kermānī Shāh Ne’matollāh was one of the most influential and prominent Persian Sufi Masters. He was born in Aleppo, Syria, in 1330 CE. He was a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad. His father, Mīr ‘Abdullāh was a Sufi Master. He passed his spirituality on to his son, who later became a Sufi […]

Open letter from Reporters Without Borders to Ban-Ki-moon on the occasion of his visit to Iran

  Ban Ki-moon Secretary-General United Nations New York United States Paris, 29 August 2012 Dear Secretary-General, As you prepare to attend the summit of the Non-Aligned Movement in Tehran on 30 and 31 August, Reporters Without Borders wishes to draw your attention to the woeful state of freedom of information in Iran, and to the […]

Opposition Leader Mir Hossein Mousavi’s Daughters Write Him A Heartwarming Letter on the Occasion of His Birthday

  On the occasion of opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi’s birthday and on the eve of March 1st 2012,  his daughters wrote him a heartwarming letter describing the last time they went to Akhtar street to find out about their parents’ condition and the fact that they have had no news from them for a […]

A Message From the Coordination Council on the Occasion of the Birth of Jesus Christ, the Messenger of Peace & Friendship

In the name God the kind and merciful, We would like to take this time to extend a warm greeting and congratulate all followers of Jesus Christ, the messenger of peace and friendship and in particular all of our Christian compatriots, on the occasion of his birth.