Tag: Hamid Reza Moradi Sarvestani

Gonabadi Dervishes and Civil Disobedience

  In an analytical essay entitled “Gonabadi Dervishes and Civil Disobedience”, Tavana website focuses on the dervishes’ sufferings and consequent protests, drawing upon the ideas of Farhad Nouri, the editor-in-chief of Majzooban Noor website, and Ammar Maleki, a researcher in political sciences. Tavana website introduces itself as an electronic training platform for Iranian civil society […]

The Imprisoned Dervishes Stopped Hunger Strike and Announced this in a Letter; Congratulations to Brothers Who Are our Friends and Brothers Who Are Opposed to Us on the Eid.

  According to Majzooban Noor, on the eve of Eid al-Adha (feast of the sacrifice), the imprisoned Dervishes announced the end of their hunger strike saying “We do not want to make our brothers and sisters, who are all members of one soul, to suffer even more”.    Part of their letter reads: “The security-oriented […]

Jailed Dervishes Send Complaint Extradition Appeal to the Court of Crimes of Government Staff

   The Seven lawyers and advocates of rights of dervishes have submitted their complaint extradition appeal to the branch ten of the court of crimes of governmental employees.Prior to that, these seven Dervishes two times had protested about the illegal acts and violations of judge Salavati in the procedure of the case. But the first […]

Condolence Message from 78 Political Prisoners at Evin Ward 350 to Hamid-Reza Moradi

  A group of political prisoners at ward 350 of Evin prison expressed their condolences for the death of Hamid-Reza Moradi’s father.Mr. Khalil Moradi, the father of jailed Gonabadi Dervish and administrator of Majzooban noor news website, Hamid-Reza Moradi who is currently admitted in Shohada e Tajrish hospital, yesterday on 9th of Ordibehesht 1393 ( […]

Jailed Dervishes’s Letter to Rouhani: «If You Are Sad for suffering from deterioration; Stop Injustice Against Dervishes»

  Nine imprisoned lawyers and Dervish rights activists at Evin prison and Shiraz’s Adel-Abad prison wrote an open letter to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on the eve of the third day of Esfand, the 5th anniversary of solidarity between Dervishes.In the letter, the jailed Dervish rights activists, Messrs. Hamid-Reza Moradi Sarvestani, Mostafa Daneshjou, Farshid Yadollahi, […]

Imprisoned Gonabadi Dervishes wrote a letter to Attorney General

  In a letter from Evin prison to Mr. Jafari the Tehran Prosecutor, lawyers and Dervish rights activists object to being forced to wear prison uniform, use handcuffs and ankle-cuffs during their transfer to medical care centers or hospitals for treatment.According to Majzooban Noor, nine jailed Gonabadi Dervishes in ward 350 at Evin prison in […]

Jailed Gonabadi Dervishes in Ward 350 of Evin Shave Head to Support of Jailed Dervishes in Shiraz’s Adel-Abad Prison

  Jailed Gonabadi Dervishes in ward 350 of Evin prison shaved their heads in support of five imprisoned Dervishes in Shiraz’s Adel-Abad Prison.According to Majzooban Noor, following the attack on Ebrat Ward of Shiraz’s Adel-Abad prison by intelligence unit officers and shaving off Dervishes’ beards and whiskers by force and violence, 9 imprisoned Dervishes in […]