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Tag: Gonabadi dervishes

Tunne Kelam: Stop attacks by the Iranian Government against humanitarian and social service organisations

  When in 2013 the new President of Iran Hassan Rouhani was elected, he promised that he would stop the political oppression and will restore civil freedoms and rights to all ethnic and religious groups. Sadly, during the following almost two years, the opposite has taken place. Clamping down on civilians and minorities that are […]

A letter written by some of Gonabadi Dervishes to the Minister of Work and Social Welfare: “Security Forces Have Closed All the Routes to Prosperity and Empathy”

  A while ago, a crowd of dervishes gathered in Reza Welfare Centre (“Madad-kari-ye Reza” institute-“Reza Social Service institute) which was closed by the security forces. They issued a letter to the Minister of Work and Social Welfare, Ali Rabi’i, holding the manner in which the social workers were treated by intelligence agents responsible for the […]

Khazali slams Rohani as ineffectual, raising false hope

  Mehdi Khazali, outspoken government critic and head of Hayan publications criticized Iranian president Hassan Rohani for “surrendering to the ruling faction” of the Islamic Republic and has called on him to resign.Saham News has published Mehdi Khazali’s open letter to the president, in which he refers to Rohani as a mere “opening in a […]

Dervishes in Reza Social Service institute End Sit-in Protest by Breaking the seal; If the Minister does not Respond, We Will Continue to Protest

  Gonabadi Dervishes who were staging a sit-in at “Madad-kari-ye Reza” institute (“Reza Social Service” institute) in protest against illegal closure of this aid center by security forces, broke the seal this morning, Sunday, 13 Ordibehesht ( 3, May).According to Majzooban Noor, the dervishes by writing a short letter, have announced that their act has […]

Gutb (Leader) of Gonabadi Dervishes Chased by Security and Plainclothes Forces

  Majzooban Noor released a report saying yesterday morning (12th of Ordibehesht 1394/ 2, May, 2015), His Holiness Haj Dr. Noor Ali Tabandeh, Majzoob Ali Shah”, the Gutb of Gonabadi Dervishes, was heading to Hosiniyeh (the place of worship) of Gonabadi dervishes to take part in the religious celebration of Imam Ali’s birthday, three plainclothes […]

Gathering of Gonabadi Dervishes in front of Sealed Reza Aid Institute

  Today’s noon (12th of Ordibehesht 1394/ 2, May, 2015) , a number of Gonabadi dervishes after the celebration of birth anniversary of Imam Ali (as) in Amir-Soleymani Hosseiniyeh, have gathered in front of the “Madad-kari-ye Reza” institute (“Reza Social Service” institute) in the National Day of assistance to protest against the closure of the Reza […]

Attack of the Iranian Government against Humanitarian and Social Service Organizations of Dervishes

Logo of the Madad-kari-ye Reza Several buildings of the “Madad-kari-ye Reza” institute (“Reza Social Service” institute) have been shut down, including the administrative, education and even the elderly home divisions. – In Tehran, treacherous land-thieves have confiscated several non-profit social service organizations including the elderly welfare home, only because honorable Dervishes worked there in […]

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