Imprisoned Gonabadi Dervish, Kasra Nouri, has been taken to an undisclosed location by the AdelAbad prison guards who stormed the Green Ward on 11 Khordad 1392 (June 1, 2013) and so far there is no reliable information on his current whereabouts and situation.According to Majzooban Noor, on last Saturday after the prison guards stormed […]
Tag: whereabouts
Iran Detains Evangelical Pastor; Whereabouts Unknown
BosNewsLife – The whereabouts of an evangelical pastor in Iran remained unknown Saturday, August 27, some 10 days after he was detained by Iranian security forces as part of a reported government crackdown on Christian converts, BosNewsLife established.
More arbitrary arrests, concealment of political prisoners’ whereabouts
Reporters Without Borders condemns the increase in repression in recent weeks in Iran. One of the latest victims is the blogger Kouhyar Goudarzi, who has been detained since 1 August, the day that Ahmed Shaheed, the UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Iran, arrived in Tehran to begin a fact-finding visit. Goudarzi’s […]