German Ministry of Foreign Affairs concerned about the imprisoned Dervishes’ longer than a month hunger strike



Christoph Strässer, High Commissioner for Human Rights in German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has expressed his and his government’s concerns about the critical conditions of the Nematollahi Gonabadi Dervishes, in general, and the nine imprisoned Dervishes, in particular, who went on hunger strike more than a month ago in protest against oppression and suppression of Gonabadi Dervishes.

In the statement which he issued on the thirty second day of their strike and was published in German Ministry of Foreign Affairs website, it was pointed out that Iran is a signatory of the international treaty of civil and political rights and, hence, obligated to respect human rights, regardless of racial and religious affiliations. Mr. Christoph Strässer requested Iran to act according to the treaty and immediately free all those in prison because of their religious and political beliefs.

He also demanded that the Iranian Government accommodate the imprisoned Dervishes’ legal and legitimate requests, which they are expressing through the hunger strike, and take necessary measures to provide them with adequate medical treatment.

It is also mentioned in the statement, “While Judaism, Christianity, and Zoroastrianism are recognized as religious minorities and their followers officially possess freedom of religion, Shiite Muslim Dervishes are subject to violence and suppression which is against the teachings of Islam.”

Mr. Strauss condemned the security forces’ attack in Kavar in early September 2011 which resulted in the arrest and imprisonment of those managing and working in Majzooban Noor website which covers Sufi news, a large number of Dervishes, and their lawyers.
At the end of his statement, the Germany’s Human Rights High Commissioner named the above mentioned nine prisoners who were wrongfully accused of propaganda against the regime and jeopardizing national security and sentenced to over 60 years of imprisonment and warned the Iranian government about their upsetting and critical conditions on the thirty second day of their hunger strike.