A number of Nematollahi Gonabadi Dervish physicians released a brief message to nine lawyers and rights activists of Gonabadi Dervishes in prisons of Evin and Shiraz’s Nezam asked them to break their hunger strike
The physicians have expressed deep concern about the physical condition of imprisoned Dervishes and wrote:
Brothers! Dear loved ones! like-minded peers!
We humbly beg you to end hunger strike to make the hearts of our Master and all your brothers and sisters in faith, happy.
As your valuable existence is to encourage us, your good health is sincere wish of all Dervishes and also is a thorn in the eyes of your enemies, so we hope to reach our highest goals together.
A group of Gonabadi Dervish physicians
It is worth noting that the physical condition of nine imprisoed Dervishes has become critical in jail.
The mentioned jailed Dervishes have gone on indefinite hunger strike with the aim of ending the tyranny imposed on the followers of the mystical Sufi tradition of Islam by some stubborns.