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A political prisoner got denial for his furlough at the last moment



The attorney general opposed and denied to grant Abolfazel Abedini’s furlough.

According to the report of Human Rights Activits News Agency in Iran (HRANA), Abolfazel Abedini Nasr the Khouzestani journalist who was supposed to leave prison on furlough got denial on his furlough at the last moment by the attorney general.

One of Abolfazel’s relatives told HRANA reporter “In the morning the family and friends of Abolfazel were waiting in front of Karoun prison to welcome him but they informed us that the attorney general changed his decision at the last moment and denied Abolfazel’s furlough.”

While he was under the pressure and interrogation sessions in ward 2-A, the branch 1 of Ahvaz revolutionary court sentenced him to 11 years of imprisonment on charge of membership in illegal group and relation with enemy countries; The branch 13 of appealed court of Khouzestan confirmed the verdict.

Meanwhile he was sentenced to one more year imprisonment by another court in Tehran, So he has to spend 12 years in totall in prison.

HRANA News Agency