The court session for six Gonabad dervishes from Kavar county in Fars province, started in Branch 2 of Shiraz’s Revolutionary Court on Wednesday morning 22nd of Azar 1391 ( Dec 12, 2012 ).
At this session the cases of Messrs.Kazem Dehghan, Hamid Reza Arayesh, Mohammad Ali Shamshirzan were investigated for accusation of ” fighting against God!” and “Corruption on Earth”! and also Messrs.Omid Ali Akbari, Gholam Ali bairami and Mehrdad Keshavarz are accused of “Carrying a weapon without permit”.
They were defended themselves in the presence of two of their lawyer Messrs. Nazari and Sadeghi.
It must mentioned here that, a person called “Mullah Ghaemi” was present as the representative of those having complaints!!
For this session there were 17 Gonabadi dervishes who were summoned but the Judge investigated only six of them and postponed the rest for another session.
It is also important to remember that, last September (2011) incident in Kavar was provocateur by another mullah called “Shahbazi” who distributed CDs against Gonabadi dervishes. This incident resulted the death of one dervish called ” Vahid Banani” who was killed by a gun-shut and many file cases opened against Gonabadi dervishes in court.